Monday, August 25, 2014

Glutathione Precursor. (Isolate Whey Protein)

Glutathione is produced in the body of 3 amino acids, called cysteine​​, glutamic acid and glycine.

The protein isolated from whey is a precursor of glutathione, is the richest source cysteine ​​exists, and the only way to raise glutathione levels in the body in a 100% secure and recognized worldwide.

Extracted from cow's milk carries certain processes in order to maintain milk protein with its natural properties while free of pathogens. By linking two cysteine ​​molecules called cystine, cysteine ​​achieved without any loss reach the bloodstream, and all cells of the body, so they can use it to produce glutathione required depending on the needs of the body.

It is therefore important to maintain a diet rich in glutathione and cysteine​​, but now our bodies demand a reservation high glutathione much that can only be delivered by supplementation with precursors such as protein isolated from whey.

Glutathione (also called GSH) is the most important antioxidant produced by the body and is used by each and every one of our cells to get rid of toxic substances, regulate the functions of the immune system, protects DNA mutations, help inhibit virus replication, but hundreds of functions in the body.


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